Eleanor, Rising

by Shaun McKenna

Directed by Marc Beeby and Gemma Jenkins

One of the most extraordinary women in history, Eleanor of Aquitaine was born to rule a Duchy and ended up as the most powerful woman of her age. Married to two Kings, the mother of two more - as well as many warring children - Eleanor would end up ruling England while Richard the Lionheart was on Crusade.

Eleanor of Aquitaine

We meet her, though, as a fifteen year old girl, intelligent, independent and determined to have her own way. Not at all the done thing in Twelfth Century England.

This epic series follows Eleanor through her marriage to Louis of France, her scandalous Crusade, the coup de foudre as she runs off with Henry II of England.

Recording was delayed by the Corona virus but finally achieved in September 2020. Later that month a second series was commissioned, to be broadcast in April 2021.

The cast for the first series was led by Rose Basista as Eleanor, Cecilia Appiah as Petronilla, Joel McCormack as Louis and Carl Prekopp as Abbot Suger - with other roles played by Roger Ringrose, Luke Nunn and John Lightbody. It was directed by Marc Beeby.


In season 2, Rose Basista and Joel McCormack returned as Eleanor and Louis, Elinor Coleman played Petronilla with other roles played by Stewart Campbell, Nicholas Murchie, Jane Slavin, David Sturzaker and Tony Turner. It was directed by Gemma Jenkins.

In Season 3, broadcast in September 2022, Bettrys Jones played Eleanor while Joel McCormack returned as Louis and Max Bennett played Henry Plantagenet. Other roles were played by Ruth Everett, Amma Haj Ahmad, Grace Cooper Milton, Jonathan Forbes, Roger Ringrose, David Hounslow and Colin Ryan. It was directed by Gemma Jenkins.